Dr. Chocolate Runtimes

1. Dr. Chocolate (2023) - MyDramaList

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  • Two years ago, Noda Tetsuya worked as a doctor. He was a medical intern trained by cardiac surgeon Terashima Koichi. One day, Koichi and his wife were...

Dr. Chocolate (2023) - MyDramaList

2. Dr.チョコレート - TheTVDB.com

  • Mar 9, 2023 · Dr. Chocolate ; Network Nippon TV ; Average Runtime 54 minutes ; Genres Mystery Thriller ; Original Country Japan ; Original Language Japanese ...

  • 謎めいた義手の元医者=Teacher(坂口健太郎)と、天才的外科医の腕を持つ10歳の少女=Dr.チョコレート(白山乃愛)、唯一無二の絆で結ばれたふたりが、全員難ありキャラ強めな6人の医療仲間“チョコレートカンパニー”とともに、時に銃撃戦の中、時に飛行機の中、時に人気アイドルのライブ中…どんな状況下でも、ワケあり患者の命を救う! その背景には、少女から両親を奪った謎の陰謀を解き明かす目的が…

3. Dr. Chocolate | TV Time

Dr. Chocolate | TV Time

4. Dr. Chocolate (2023) - The Movie Database

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  • Two years ago, Noda Tetsuya worked as a doctor. He was a medical intern trained by cardiac surgeon Terashima Koichi. One day, Koichi and his wife were murdered. At that time, Tetsuya lost his right hand. Koichi and his wife left behind their 8-year-old daughter Terashima Yui. Now, Noda teams up with Yui to lead an illegal secret surgery team, whose ultimate purpose is to find the truth behind the death of her parents. To hire the black market surgery team, a fee of 100 million yen in cash is required as well as an NDA requirement and chocolate. The team are able to save the lives of patients no matter the circumstances, but a newspaper reporter begins to chase after them.

Dr. Chocolate (2023) - The Movie Database

5. Dr. Chocolate Dr.チョコレート | NIPPON TV | Japan Program Catalog

  • It turns out that Dr. Chocolate is a 10-year-old girl! Teaming up with this prodigy is a former doctor who lost his dominant hand, and Chocolate Company.

  • Dr. Chocolate Dr.チョコレート | NIPPON TV | Japan Program Catalog

Dr. Chocolate Dr.チョコレート | NIPPON TV | Japan Program Catalog

6. Dr. Chocolate (Series) - TV Tropes

  • Dr. Chocolate is a Japanese Medical Drama and Whodunnit series, first aired in 2023 on Nippon TV. 8-year-old Child Prodigy Yui Terashima (Noa Shiroyama) lost ...

  • Dr. Chocolate is a Japanese Medical Drama and Whodunnit series, first aired in 2023 on Nippon TV. 8-year-old Child Prodigy Yui Terashima (Noa Shiroyama) lost her parents, a prominent surgeon father and genetics researcher mother, when an agent of …

Dr. Chocolate (Series) - TV Tropes

7. Dr. Chocolate (2023) - Episodes - MyDramaList

  • Yui, who hasn't attended school since the events of 2 years ago, suddenly feels the desire to go to school again after making friends.

  • Two years ago, Noda Tetsuya worked as a doctor. He was a medical intern trained by cardiac surgeon Terashima Koichi. One day, Koichi and his wife were...

Dr. Chocolate (2023) - Episodes - MyDramaList

8. Dr. Chocolate · Season 1 - Plex

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  • Tetsuya Noda is a former doctor with a mysterious artificial hand. On the other hand, Yui Tershima is a 10-year-old with prodigious surgical skills and can perform any kind of operations. Joined by six other medical friends, they are known as the "Chocolate Company" and perform top-secret operations with a mysterious condition of 100 million yen in cash and chocolates.

Dr. Chocolate · Season 1 - Plex

9. Dr. Chocolate: All Episodes - Trakt

  • Runtime 54m; Total Runtime 7h 38m (10 episodes); Country Japan; Languages Japanese; Studios Nippon Television Network Corporation (NTV) + 1 more, AX-ON; Genres ...

  • Two years ago, Noda Tetsuya worked as a doctor. He was a medical intern trained by cardiac surgeon Terashima Koichi. One day, Koichi and his wife were murdered. At that time, Tetsuya lost his right hand. Koichi and his wife left behind their 8-year-old daughter Terashima Yui. Now, Noda teams up with Yui to lead an illegal secret surgery team, whose ultimate purpose is to find the truth behind the death of her parents. To hire the black market surgery team, a fee of 100 million yen in cash is required as well as an NDA requirement and chocolate. The team are able to save the lives of patients no matter the circumstances, but a newspaper reporter begins to chase after them.

Dr. Chocolate: All Episodes - Trakt

10. Dr. Chocolate Season 1 Air Dates & Countdown - EpisoDate.com

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  • Your TV show guide to Countdown Dr. Chocolate Season 1 Air Dates. Stay in touch with Dr. Chocolate next episode Air Date and your favorite TV Shows.

Dr. Chocolate Season 1 Air Dates & Countdown - EpisoDate.com
Dr. Chocolate Runtimes
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.