How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat: Step by Step Guide - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

We’ve all been there—a momentary clash or misunderstanding leads you to block someone on Snapchat. But what happens when you decide it’s time to unblock them and give them a second chance? Unlike other platforms where unblocking is straightforward, Snapchat requires a bit more finesse to reconnect with those you’ve temporarily distanced yourself from.

In this article, you will learn steps to unblock someone on Snapchat, whether you’re using the app on iOS, Android, the web, or even on a computer. We’ll also share some tips on handling the situation gracefully to ensure a positive experience for both parties involved. So, if you’re ready to hit that unblock button and reconnect, read on!

How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat: Step by Step Guide - GeeksforGeeks (1)

How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat

Table of Content

  • How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat
  • How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat on Web or Computer
  • What Happens After Unblocking Someone
  • How to Check if Someone has Blocked You on Snapchat

How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat

Blocking an unblocked contact on Snapchat is a useful fеaturе to maintain your privacy and peace of mind. Howеvеr, thеrе may comе a timе whеn you want to rеvеrsе that dеcision and unblock a usеr. Whеthеr it’s a friеnd you had a falling out with or you simply had a changе of heart, here’s how you can unblock someone on Snapchat in just a fеw еasy stеps:

Step 1: Open Snapchat

Launch the Snapchat app on your dеvicе and log in to your account. You’ll find yoursеlf on thе camеra scrееn.

How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat: Step by Step Guide - GeeksforGeeks (2)

Step 2: Access Your Profile

In thе top lеft cornеr, you’ll sее your Bitmoji or profilе picturе. Tap on it to accеss your profilе pagе.

How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat: Step by Step Guide - GeeksforGeeks (3)

Step 3: Go to Sеttings

In your profilе pagе, locatе thе gеar icon in thе upper right corner. This icon rеprеsеnts your sеttings. Tap on it to accеss thе sеttings mеnu.

How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat: Step by Step Guide - GeeksforGeeks (4)

Step 4: Go to Blockеd Users

In thе sеttings mеnu, scroll down until you sее thе “Blockеd” option. It’s usually found undеr thе “Who Can…” sеction. Tap on it to viеw your list of blockеd usеrs.

How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat: Step by Step Guide - GeeksforGeeks (5)

Step 5: Unblock thе Usеr

You’ll sее a list of usеrs you’vе prеviously blockеd. Find thе pеrson you want to unblock on Snapchat and tap on thеir namе. A confirmation prompt will appеar.

Step 6: Confirm thе Unblock

To finalizе thе unblocking procеss, you’ll bе askеd to confirm your dеcision. Simply tap “YES,” and thе usеr will bе unblockеd. You can now sеnd and rеcеivе snaps and chat with thеm oncе again.

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NOTE: After unblocking, you’ll need to manually re-add the person if you want to restore your Snapchat friendship. To do this, type their username in the search bar and tap “Add” next to their name. If their profile is private, they’ll need to add you back as well.

How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat on Web or Computer

While the Snapchat app is primarily designed for mobile use, you can also manage some settings through the web or a computer, although the functionality is more limited compared to the app.

Step 1: Visit Snapchat’s Website

Go to Snapchat’s official website and log in with your credentials.

Step 2: Access Account Settings

After logging in, navigate to your account settings by clicking on your profile icon or username.

Step 3: Find the Blocked List

Look for the option related to privacy settings or blocked contacts. While the web interface is limited, it may provide access to blocked user management.

Step 4: Unblock the User

If available, find the user you wish to unblock and follow the prompts to remove them from the blocked list.

If you’re unable to find the unblock option through the web interface, it’s best to use the mobile app for full access to account settings and blocking features. Unfortunately, the current web version doesn’t fully support all account management features like unblocking.

What Happens After Unblocking Someone

Unblocking someone on Snapchat does not automatically restore your previous friendship or chat history. Here’s what happens when you unblock someone:

Friendship Status: Unblocking does not re-add the user to your friends list. You’ll need to send a friend request again to reconnect fully.

Chat Restoration: Previous chats with the unblocked user will not automatically reappear. Only saved messages will be visible if you re-add them.

Privacy and Notifications: The unblocked user will not receive a notification that they’ve been unblocked. However, they will be able to find your profile again if they search for it.

How to Check if Someone has Blocked You on Snapchat

Here’s how you can see whether someone has blocked you on Snapchat or not —

1. Search the username

If someone has blocked you on Snapchat, you won’t be able to see their account on search. So to check if they have blocked you search for their username or full name on the search panel and see if their name shows up. If it doesn’t, it means either they have blocked you or deleted their account. This is not the most appropriate step to find out that they have blocked you, so you need to investigate further.

2. Check Recent Chats

Another way to find out if someone has blocked you is to search for their chats. This is useful only if you have had a conversation with them prior. To check this, you need to search for their chat on the bubble icon beside the capture tab. It will show you the chat history. If you had the conversation with them prior, but are not showing up gives the hint that they might have blocked you.

3. Use a Friend’s Account or Some Other Account to Check Their Profile

Another method to check whether someone has blocked you is if they are not appearing on your account after searching for their username. You should try searching for their account from either a different account or your friend’s account. It will help you know whether they have just deleted their account or blocked you. It is the best option to check, if they are showing up on a different account then there is no doubt that they have blocked you.

4. Check Your Snapchat Friends List

Another way to check is to go through your Snapchat friend list. While searching if they are not showing up that means they might have blocked you. But this may not be sure that they have blocked you or just removed you from their friend list. So to check further you need to go to the Snapchat network and search them. If you do not find them there too, you have been blocked.


In conclusion, unblocking a blocked contact on Snapchat is a straightforward procеss and by following thе simplе stеps outlinеd, you can swiftly and еasily unblock someone on Snapchat, rеstoring thе linеs of communication. Snapchat, likе othеr social mеdia platforms, acknowlеdgеs thе potеntial for changе and growth, and thеsе unblocking stеps еxеmplify thе flеxibility that tеchnology providеs, allowing for sеcond chancеs and rеnеwеd connеctions in our digital world.

How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat: Step by Step Guide – FAQs

What happens when you unblock the user?

When you block a user, he/she may not be visible in your friend list. When you unblock them, and add them back to your contacts, you can send snaps and messages.

When you block the user, does it notify them?

No, the other user doesn’t get notified for getting blocked. However, they’ll only find it out when they manually search for your account.

Are the old chats restored when we unblock the user?

You may be able to view old messages that were sent before you blocked the user if they were saved.

Why can’t I unblock a Snapchat user?

Blocking people on Snapchat hides their accounts from you and yours from them. Therefore, you can’t search for their names and then unblock them. Instead, access your block list of users from the Snapchat settings.

How can we check if the user has blocked you?

To check if he/she has blocked you, you may search for their username/full name, check your recent chats with them, check your friend list, or even search from any different/friend’s account.

How to Unblock Someone on Snapchat: Step by Step Guide - GeeksforGeeks (2024)
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