Phasmophobia Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC (2024)

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Phasmophobia Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC (1)

  • Developer: Kinetic Games
  • Publisher: Kinetic Games
  • Genre: Action Adventure
  • Release: Sep 18, 2020
  • Platform: PC
  • ESRB: Not Set


Hints & Secrets

Beginners Guide

Take a look around the truck, get acquainted with your surroundings. You will notice a few things.

1. You will notice a monitor. This is the CCTV system and will allow you to see the cameras you have placed, as well as on the map.

2. There is a whiteboard that will list your objectives, as well as give info on the ghost such as name, or if it reacts to everyone or only people who are alone.

3. There is a map for the layout of the building. There is a square button you can use to cycle the floors. Most important thing to note here is a green battery. This is where the locations power source is located.

4. The EMF chart. Confusion here, this chart is not used for the EMF evidence. This is simply a reading of the total activity within the location.

5. The shelves house the equipment you bring in!

After you are ready, click the keypad to leave. Once you open the door to the location, your timer begins.

The Location
Your goal is to find the ghost and gather 3 pieces of evidence to determine what it is. Personally, what has worked best for me is to take out your temperature tool to find a room where the celcius is below 10°C or take your EMF reader and walk around the location quickly saying "*insert name here* can you give us a sign." Listen for doors opening, objects falling, humming, croaking, moaning. Watch to see if a light turns on, or see if a radio kicks on.

Asking the ghost to give you a sign increases the chances of all these things and can help you quickly hone in on where it is at. Once you get a spike on the EMF reader, that is the room your ghost will haunt*(see below). They will remain in this room about 80% of the time. Keep that in the back of your mind as we go over several of the items. After 5 minutes of entering the house, your sanity will begin to drain. It drains much quicker in the dark. The lower your sanity is, the more likely the ghost will attack, or that paranormal events will occur. Note, the Ghost can attack at anytime, even within the first 5 minutes.

From here, you will want to deploy your cameras, ghost writing book, turn off all the lights and do a spirit box session. Are you able to see your breath? Take a UV light and check any doors, windows, light switches and see if you can find anything. Once you have 3 pieces of evidence, mark it in your journal and get out! (Note, in my experience getting the 3rd piece of evidence can be a pain in the butt. Just be patient!

You will also be presented with 3 other objectives chosen at random. Things such as prevent a hunt using the crucifix, use smudge sticks, witness a ghost event, etc. These are worth getting if possible for the extra income!

The Hunt
So, you're setting up your cameras, book, etc. Suddenly, your heart pounds, all the lights begin to flicker, and your flashlight is malfunctioning. You need to react, and quick, the ghost has begun what's known as the hunting phase. Do not run to an exit, the door will be closed and locked. You need to break line of sight with the ghost, and hide! Closets, lockers, bathrooms, you will have about 5 seconds before the ghost begins coming for you. Stay quiet as well, they can hear you through your mic! If you're in multiplayer and someone is in the truck, they will notice the location activity will be spiked at 10 during the hunt. The hunt can last anywhere from a few seconds, to minutes from what I've seen. Wait it out, stay quiet, and pray.

Tips and Tricks
This will be a slightly unorganized section where I throw things in as I think of them.

1. Be smart with camera placement. You can gather up to 4 pieces of evidence from the truck with a single camera! Place the camera in the ghost room. Try to place it facing a door. Use a UV light or a glow stick to illuminate the door so you can see fingerprints. Next to the door, lean an EMF reader and a ghost writing book up against the wall. This will allow you to see, all from one camera, fingerprints, EMF reading, ghost writing, and ghost orbs. I have not tested it yet, but you may even be able to drop an activated thermometer in front of the camera and get a reading for freezing temperatures. Just be creative!

2. Lay salt in doorways, not in hallways.

3. Prep your items next to the locations door for quicker access.

4. EMF readers can be used as an alternative method to tracking the ghost. If you have several, you can lay them on the floor much like salt. When it beeps, you know the ghost is there.

5. Candles and flashlights do not count as light sources for things such as the Spirit Box, Mare, Jinn, or cameras***.

6. I would avoid tripods if you are playing mouse and keyboard. You cannot place them nearly as accurately or as well as you can in VR. Which leads me into number...

7. This game is best experienced in VR. I play in VR 95% of the time, for more reasons than just the scare factor alone (the game is scary by itself, 1000x moreso in VR.) In VR, you are able to hold 4 items vs 3 (2 on your belt, and 2 in your hands). In VR, you can more easily manipulate objects to lean them how you'd like, or place candles and other items more precisely. Lighting things with the lighter is also 10x easier in VR.

Guide to asylum

For newcomers a like, or maybe just some people who need a few tricks for the bundle of rooms that is a map I will be showing a few tips, tricks, and helpful facts for the asylum map! You no longer have to sit in the truck studying the map for 5 hours or get lost in the maze that this map entails.

The layout
The layout of this map may seem confusing at first but once you've walked through it a bit it becomes muscle memory, or just a really good memory- either one. A map is provided below, not only for guidance but for if the ouija board is found, because without knowing what is what, you will just be draining sanity. This also entails spawns for the ouija board and camera locations..

Finding the ghost
There are many ways to find the ghost on bigger maps, some more efficient than others.

1. Thermometer: Oh the classic, it is viable although with the nerf it is much slower and there is the chance that the ghost may turn off the breaker, therefore throwing you off. Another issue with this is that it can take more of a toll on your sanity since there are many rooms to search.

2. Doors or Lights: Its better to leave the doors closed because the ghost will open them therefore making it easy to stroll down the corridors looking for an open door. Lights also work in this manner although may be less noticeable and I find more often the ghost likes to touch the doors more.

3. Listening for signs: This also includes doors and such although there are also sound cues for these which is crucial for finding which side of the map the ghost is on, there is a sound cue for a ghost opening a door (Which is different than a player opening a door, I find a lot of people getting this confused) , lights flicking on, items being thrown (This is only good for finding if the ghost is in the area or not since there are so many rooms to check for disturbance, its not worth it), and a ghost humming noise that happens when a ghost has manifested in a shadow form.

Other tips
Parabolic can be good if you are the only one on a certain side of the map as it can pick up noise made by both players and the ghost.

Keep your sanity! Especially if its a long walk from the truck to ghost room, turn on the hallway lights that lead to the room, keeping the breaker on is a good idea- unless your ghost is a jinn, then that will be going right off.

Use the radio! It may be obvious but over long range your teammates cannot hear your fabled cries from across the asylum, no matter how loud they are.

Beware of certain ghosts! Revenant is an obvious stay the hell away but with the new beta update ghosts will now gradually get faster when chasing you making Jinns as dangerous as revs now as long as the breaker is off.

On the asylum map, and many others a lot of doors are push, these push doors can be amazing hiding spots if the ghost does open them, by hiding in the corner that the door opens up into you may be able to keep your life another day.

From: MTDKApr 25, 2021


Talking to ghost

One of the more fun and interesting ways that Phasmophobia mixes up the horror gameplay is by relying heavily on your voice. Communication with other players is limited and worked into the gameplay, and this all factors into the ghosts as well. Ghosts are always listening and any time you speak in the game they might be triggered or respond to what was said. Make sure your microphone settings are all correct and you've tested it in the game options menu. Once that's all working you can talk to ghosts simply by speaking as normal in the game.

What to Say and What Questions to Ask
They're always listening, but will usually have some reaction to the following no matter what you're doing or using.

  • Anybody with us?
  • Anybody in the room?
  • Anybody here?
  • Are you a child?
  • Are you old/young?
  • Are you male or female?
  • Are you a woman?
  • Are you a girl/boy?
  • Are you male/female?
  • Are you here?
  • Are you with us?
  • Are you close?
  • Are you angry?
  • Are you friendly?
  • Can you talk to us?
  • Can you give me your name?
  • Do you want to hurt us?
  • Do you want us here?
  • Give us a sign.

These are just some of the big amount of things you can say. You can just search on "Things to say in Phasmophobia" on the internet, but i am pretty sure, that these sentences above are enough.

Spirit Box and Ouija Board - What Questions to Ask
When using the Spirit Box just start it up by right clicking or pressing Left Trigger on controller. Make sure the lights are off and you probably want to be alone. Then once the static starts and the frequency is changing you can use some of these statements and questions to see if they respond.

  • Are there any ghosts?
  • Are you happy?
  • Are you here all the time?
  • Are you male/female?
  • Are you the only one here?
  • Are you waiting?
  • Can I ask you a question?
  • Can we speak?
  • Can you make a sound?
  • Can you speak to us?
  • Can you speak?
  • Do something.
  • Do you know who we are?
  • Do you want us to leave?
  • Give us a sign.

And here are some examples for if you're using the Ouija Board instead

  • Are you old/young?
  • Are you alone/here/close?
  • Are we alone?
  • Are there any spirits?
  • Did you murder?
  • How old are you?
  • How long have you been here?
  • How long ago did you die?

So by seeing this guide/review you now know what to say when talking to ghost in phasmophobia

From: IojhJun 6, 2021


Cursed Objects Guide

Music box
The music box is an item that plays music, which is a no-brainer given its name after all. I sometimes hear ghosts singing in the game, so I imagine this music box will make a ghost manifest for a ghost event or ghost photo opportunity.

If you use the music box for too long or use it near the ghost, it will start a search after the song ends... and this search will be much longer than usual.

Voodoo doll
Also called the "Tortured Voodoo Doll", it is an improved version of the voodoo dolls that you sometimes find on the map.

When used, it allows you to force the ghost to make an interaction of some kind in front of you, either by turning on a light or closing a door. Be careful as it drains your sanity every time you use it. In my opinion the only use this would have would be against ghosts that do not interact in any way.

Ouija board
The old classic is back. There isn't much to explain about this other than the fact that:

  • one; can answer new questions
  • two; you can ask how much sanity you have
  • 3; You should say goodbye to it once you are done using it.
  • 4; you can no longer fail questions about him.

If you've used it before, you already know how it works, so no need to double-check.

Haunted mirror
This mirror allows you to see where the ghost is. Think of it as an advanced Ouija board, but you can ONLY use it to locate the ghost room. Needless to say, this will also drain your sanity.

Summoning Circle
Light the candles in the summoning circle to summon the ghost for a free Ghost Event and Ghost Photo; but it will hunt immediately after a few seconds of standing in the circle. Use it with extreme caution.

Tarot Cards
It is a deck that brings with it a package of 10 unique cards, where each one brings with it random effects, ranging from forcing a ghost to interact with an object, making it move or even generating effects on teammates , going to face supernatural activities that you should not face, it is a negative effect similar to other cursed objects, our sanity is drained with these effects, it is ideal that we take into account this guide of the Tarot cards, then let's see what follows next.

  • Death: cause the ghost hunt
  • The devil: a paranormal event starts
  • The fool: the previous letter is '' canceled '', it's like a joke xd
  • The hanged man: kills us instantly
  • The hermit: prevents ghosts from doing activities for a short time
  • The moon: lower sanity to 0
  • The Priestess: revive a dead companion
  • The sun: raises sanity to 100
  • The tower: gives great strength to the activity of the ghosts
  • The Wheel of Fortune: 25 Sanity is lost if burned red and 25 Sanity is granted when burned green

I recommend this video to understand them more (the channel is not mine)

From: Big SisDec 14, 2021


Halloween Event: Locations of Hidden Pumpkins Revealed

The 2023 Phasmophobia Halloween event has brought an exciting addition to the game with hidden pumpkins scattered across various maps. These pumpkins hold recipe notes that are essential for completing the Halloween event.

Finding these pumpkins can be a challenging task as they are cleverly concealed in secret locations. To assist you in your quest, we have compiled a list of all the pumpkin locations in Phasmophobia.

In total, there are nine pumpkins to discover in Phasmophobia. If you prefer a quicker route you can also complete the event by directly obtaining the recipe ingredients and pouring them into the cauldron.

Maple Lodge Campsite Pumpkin Recipe Location:
At the Maple Lodge Campsite, head towards the cauldron itself. On the right side of the cauldron you will spot the hidden pumpkin.

Camp Woodwind Pumpkin Recipe Location:
To find the pumpkin at Camp Woodwind, venture behind the door used to enter the camp. Once inside, turn around and you will find the pumpkin on the right side of the door.

Prison Pumpkin Recipe Location:
The Prison pumpkin is located inside the marked room on the map. Upon entering the Prison, proceed straight ahead. After passing through the first door, take a left turn and enter the first door on your right. Continue left and you will discover the pumpkin in the room on your right.

13 Willow Street Pumpkin Recipe Location:
Adjacent to the railing next to your truck at 13 Willow Street you will find this pumpkin. Upon entering the area, turn right and the pumpkin will be visible in front of your truck.

Grafton Farmhouse Pumpkin Recipe Location:
Make your way to the backside of Grafton Farmhouse, where you will encounter numerous pumpkins scattered on the lawn. Look for a glowing pumpkin with a carved face at the end of the row.

10 Ridgeview Court Pumpkin Recipe Location:
Upon entering the map, proceed straight ahead and locate the stairs leading to the basem*nt on the left side. Descend into the basem*nt and head towards the back, where you will discover the pumpkin hidden behind some shelves.

42 Edgefield Road Pumpkin Recipe Location:
To find this pumpkin recipe, proceed straight from the entrance and make your way to the first floor. Take two left turns and enter the blue bedroom at the end. Inside the room you will find the pumpkin beside the desk.

6 Tanglewood Drive Pumpkin Recipe Location:
In the kitchen of 6 Tanglewood Drive you will find this pumpkin recipe under a table on the left side. Upon entering the house, locate the kitchen at the front and spot the pumpkin hidden beneath a table on the right.

Bleasdale Farmhouse Pumpkin Recipe Location:
the final pumpkin recipe at Bleasdale Farmhouse is relatively easy to locate. Simply make your way to the attic, where you will find the pumpkin next to a stack of boxes at the front.

With these locations revealed you are now equipped to begin on your pumpkin-hunting adventure in the 2023 Phasmophobia Halloween event. Good luck!

From: Tex1331Oct 27, 2023


Locations of Mysterious Parts in Sunny Meadows

In this guide, we will reveal the locations of the mysterious parts scattered throughout the map ensuring your success in securing all three pieces with ease. Let's dive into the details!

First Floor Discoveries:
Begin your exploration on the first floor of Sunny Meadows, where you will uncover two of the mysterious pieces. The vigilant snowmen will serve as your guides, directing you to their precise locations. Focus on the these frosty companions to navigate the first floor successfully.

Basem*nt Expedition:
Prepare yourself for a journey to the right side of the basem*nt, where the third mysterious piece awaits. Follow the snowmen's guidance as you descend downstairs, maneuvering through the labyrinth on the first floor and eventually reaching one of the eeriest sections below.

To find the first mysterious piece, head straight from the front doors until you reach a wall where the chapel is located. From there, proceed either left or right and then turn north when you spot a door. In the northwest corner of the courtyard, next to a snowman you'll discover the piece resting on a bench.

Bloody Basem*nt Bathtub:
Descend to the basem*nt using any staircase within the map. Make your way to the east end of the basem*nt area. In the hallway of the Restricted Wing, follow the snowman's direction. Enter the room with a large blood splatter on the door to find the piece nestled in a bloody bathtub, surrounded by red presents.

Starting from the main entrance, walk forward until you reach the wall connecting to the chapel. Take a left turn and proceed towards the end of the hallway. The second-to-last door on the right side leads to the male bathroom. Inside a cheerful snowman awaits, holding the last mysterious piece.

Each mysterious piece is accompanied by a nearby snowman, guiding you in the right direction. Once you have collected all three pieces, return to the truck to begin on the dancing snowman hunts across other maps, armed with your newly constructed weapon. Happy ghost hunting!

From: AbulamaydayDec 16, 2023


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Steam Achievements

To unlock the following, you have to play the game and collect/Earn achievements. You can find those earned achievements in your Game-Main menu or you can view them if you signup at one of the Steam communities.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Banshee DiscoveredSuccessfully identify your first Banshee
Bare EssentialsUnlock all tier one equipment
BossComplete 100 contracts
Break The BankSpend $100,000
Bronze HunterObtain the Bronze Apocalypse Trophy
Cash CowSpend $50,000
Challenger ApproachingComplete a weekly challenge mode
Chump ChangeSpend $1
DedicatedComplete 30 daily tasks
Demon DiscoveredSuccessfully identify your first Demon
Deogen DiscoveredSuccessfully identify your first Deogen
DevotedComplete 10 weekly tasks
DirectorCreate a custom difficulty
Doom SlayedGet killed by a Demon within the first minute
View Complete List »

From: AlytechNov 3, 2023


Game Walkthroughs

Walkthrough (PC)

  • Walkthrough Episode 0 Tutorial
  • From: GCZ

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Gameplay Videos

Phasmophobia - Gameplay Video

  • Added on: Sep 23, 2020

Phasmophobia - Gameplay Video 2

  • Added on: Oct 8, 2021

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.